A Security Guide for WordPress

In recent years, WordPress has become a popular open-source content management system (CMS). WordPress has experienced a rise in criminal behaviour and security challenges as its popularity has grown.

Although there are several methods for securing your WordPress website, it’s vital to remember that the risk of being hacked or having your site vandalised will never be completely eliminated. Instead, to prevent website attacks, security measures should be established, and they should be seen as precautions rather than guarantees that you will not be hacked.

WordFence, one of the most well-known security providers, offers a free version for personal use. It installs on top of WordPress and functions as a malware firewall, preventing incoming detected threats from infecting your site.

WordFence is a fantastic solution for any WordPress-based website that needs an extra layer of security to prevent attackers from simply breaching its defences. WordFence provides both proactive and reactive security capabilities that work together to prevent malware infection from inbound threats.

Sucuri is an Atlanta-based website security provider.

Sucuri provides services to protect websites from cyber threats such as malware and hacking attempts. Sucuri’s services include website scanning, malware removal, firewall protection, and other security technologies.

Sucuri was founded in 2008 by Daniel Cid and David Dede, who had previously worked for another web security startup. The company’s name is made out of the terms “safety” and “security.” Tactical Web Media uses a variety of website security services to keep your website clean and out of the hands of hackers. HIPAA and SOC II compliance-based hosting are also available.

#security, #wordpress

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