Value of code quality

Now a day’s quality of software code is really valuable. If one declares “Hi, I have implemented a software!” It’s a good thing but if you say “Hi, I have created a quality software!” then it will impact a lot. Writing a good quality of code is not a time-consuming and tedious monotonous task. It will be like you are planting a seed which definitely gives you various benefits later on and results in a fruitful outcome.   We as a software developer always say to the customer that we will provide you best industry standard software but are we actually providing it? Do we follow any specific rules? Just think about it.

Why we require a Good Code Quality?

Everyone likes to use quality software application development which performs fast and efficient. Below are the key benefits of good quality code.

  1. Easy to read
  2. Easy to maintain
  3. Easy to understand
  4. Clean & reusable code
  5. Effective performance
  6. Code consistency throughout the software
  7. Easy to demonstrate or knowledge transfer

How to achieve Good Code Quality?

There are basic points which you need to focus while doing code –

  • Add proper comments on every methods, functions and logic.
  • Remove unused commented code which you left as it is while doing code.
  • Write generalize code which can be reusable.
  • Use proper data types and names for properties, variables, methods and classes.
  • Do proper casting only when it’s needed.
  • Loops directly impact on performance. Try to avoid it or check the other solutions.
  • Use basic oops fundamentals as possible as you can. It will provide you overall clean architecture.
  • Do code review once you developed the functionality or module or page.

Tools you can use to achieve Good Code Quality

1. SonarLint

2. SonarQube

3. StyleCop

4. ReSharper

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