Very important factors which helps to build a valuable website

When people visit to a website, businesses have approximately 6 seconds to create a positive impression to users. Users will spend about 300 milliseconds looking at the color scheme used, density and layout of the site and choose if content is up to date and useful. Then after, users will spend time with the following content-

  • Design – Your website is the first point of contact for many potential customers. This means it is responsible for the first impression that a user has about your business. A clean design that looks professional lets visitors know that your business is legitimate and not just a fly-by-night operation that could eventually disappear from existence. Design is a trust factor that helps establish credibility even before they interact with your site. If your business doesn’t bother investing in a professional looking website, users will look elsewhere for a similar product or service. Part of designing a professional looking website is remembering that the user experience is paramount when trying to build trust. If a visitor has to search far and wide on your site to find information, they will likely get frustrated and try to find the same service or product elsewhere.

  • About Business – Providing contact information, like a phone number or a business address, shows that you have actual office space with real employees. This is another great way to build trust with customers. List your physical address, phone number, and e-mail on the contact page to allow visitors to easily access your business information. Knowing that they can talk to an actual human being if they run into any issues can reassure consumers and allay fears of inadequate quality or service. Another great information asset is to show that you are actively hiring to grow your business. 

  • Testimonials – Consumers ultimately begin trusting businesses through recommendations from peers, experts, and friends. Testimonials are most credible when attributed to a real person. Adding a name, face, or voice creates a legitimate source that customers can identify. Authentic testimonials that are featured on your website can also be properly leveraged across multiple marketing channels, such as social media or email marketing, which can also be powerful trust builders for any business. Additional tools like rating scales and comment sections allow customers to leave honest reviews. Responses from real people give prospective clients a glimpse into the customer experience and can help encourage undecided potential customers to convert. Applying testimonials can result in increased conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

  • Social Media – Social media can be one of the best trust building tools for companies. Not only can you talk directly to existing customers, but you also show prospective customers that you have a responsive company that will promptly address any user needs or concerns. Also, having social media indicator buttons next to any sharable articles, shows that people are interacting with the content you publish. When they share your articles, current and potential consumers know that they can trust and engage with you on a regular basis.

  • External Links – Building customer trust through third party relationships has a lot in common with using trust certifications. They are not only concerned about being verified by a bigger business, but also providing proof that you work closely with recognisable brands. This means providing users external links to other websites that reference your business, like reputable news sources and articles that write about their experience working with you. The idea is to show users that people who aren’t necessarily affiliated with your business still have nice things to say about what you do. While external links pointing at your website are important trust builders, third party relationships also apply to the sites that you link to in your content. 

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