This could be the main feature of WhatsApp in 2020

The WHATSAPP app for instant messaging is expected to receive some new features in 2020. Such features were frequently found in the beta version of the app.

Of all the features planned to be added to WhatsApp in the near future, we believe that Disappearing Messages can be the one that changes the way we use WhatsApp.

The latest update revealed that the ‘ Delete Messages ‘ option would appear with other options such as ‘ Edit group data, ‘ ‘ Send messages ‘ and ‘ Edit group administrators ‘ in the ‘ Group settings. ‘

Admins will be given the option of deciding how long new messages will stay on the chat before they are deleted. There will be six options according to the screenshots posted when this feature was spotted— off, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year. WhatsApp has been found with just two options in the October update— for 5 seconds or 1 hour.

This functionality was first discovered in October in the beta version of the Android app (v 2.19.275) as ‘ Disappearing Messages. ‘ Then in November it was again found as ‘ delete messages ‘ in beta version 2.19.348 of the app.

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